Negotiations: Beyond the Win-Win
Have you ever bought a car or got a job offer and felt vulnerable and weak during the negotiation process? Did you get your best deal? Are you concerned about asking for all that you really want and need? Do you feel unprepared or intimidated with conflicts that might arise during the negotiation process?
“Negations: Beyond the Win-Win” explores proven, easy to use real-world techniques to get your best deal so you can go beyond the win-win and get all that you really want and need for you, your project and your team. In this fun and interactive session, you will gain a powerful understanding of the most common negotiation pitfalls, try out a formal negotiation planning tool and become a strong and courageous negotiator by understanding how to deal with tough negotiators.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand best practices of a negotiation process
- Practice the use of a negotiation planner template
- Recognize how various tactics and strategies are being used
- Understand how to deal with tough negotiators
Please Contact Us for more information about this inspiring workshop.